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2024 Price List

Out of Pocket
Initial Consult (60 min)
$58.30 (if eligible)
Review Consult (60 min)
$58.30 (if eligible)
NDIS Consult (60 min)
NDIS Report (5 hours)
Depends on Funding
Depends on Funding

Medicare Rebates: Chronic Disease Management

If you have a chronic illness you may be eligible for an Enhanced Primary Care Plan, also known as a General Practice Management Plan for Chronic Disease Management and/or Team Care Arrangements.


A chronic medical condition is one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer. There is no list of eligible conditions and any chronic condition may be eligible. Your GP will ultimately decide whether a plan is appropriate for you. 


This plan entitles you to up to 5 rebates on allied health services. Unfortunately, these 5 sessions are allocated across all allied health, rather than per discipline. Ergo, if you need to see both physiotherapy and dietetics, you will need to split your 5 sessions across the two disciplines. 


Your eligibility for 5 sessions refreshes every calendar year, starting on the 1st of January.


For more information see Services Australia

Medicare Rebates: Eating Disorder Plan

If you have an Eating Disorder you may be eligible for an Eating Disorder Plan.


To be eligible, you must be:

  • Diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder or other feeding or eating disorder (OSFED)

  • Attain a score of 3 or more on the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire, which can be taken here

  • Have rapid weight loss OR binge eating OR inappropriate compensatory behaviour (e.g. purging, restricting, excessive exercising) 3 or more times a week.


If your diagnosis is not anorexia nervosa you must also have at least 2 of the following indicators:

  • Body weight less than 85% of expected weight as a result of an eating disorder

  • High risk of or current medical complications due to eating disorder behaviours and symptoms

  • Serious comorbid medical or psychological conditions that significantly impact your medical or psychological health

  • Hospital admittance for an eating disorder in the last 12 months

  • Inadequate treatment response to evidence-based eating disorder treatments over the last 6 months.


This plan entitles you to up to 20 dietetic sessions and 40 psychology sessions. 


Your eligibility for these sessions refreshes every 12 months from the date of development (not per calendar year) 


For more information see Services Australia

Medicare Safety Nets

If you are a frequent user of the Medicare system you may hit a "Safety Net" which will substantially increase Medicare rebates and reduce out of pocket costs.


The Medicare Safety Nets can be confusing, and have a lot of moving parts. Essentially, there are two safety nets, the "Original Medicare Safety Net" and the "Extended Medicare Safety Net"


Contributions to your safety net is only the Out of Pocket cost you are charged, not the full fee. Ergo, if you only attend Bulk Billing services, you will never hit the Safety Net as there is no out of pocket cost.


The Original Medicare Safety Net is $560.40, which you would achieve in 5 sessions with me.

When you hit this Safety Net your Medicare Rebate with me would increase from $58.30 to $68.55.


The Extended Medicare Safety Net is $2544.30 for the general public and $811.80 for concession card holders and those eligible for Family Tax Benefit A.

When you reach this Safety Net your Medicare Rebate increases to all but 20% of the original gap i.e. $25.54 for a review consult with me. 


Only outpatient services that attract a Medicare rebate contribute to the Safety Net. This includes gap fees that you may be charged by your GP, psychologist, or specialist. Hospital services and public health services do not count, even when there is an out of pocket cost.


The Medicare safety net refreshes on the 1st of January each year, and you can check your progress towards the safety net through MyGov. 


For more information see Services Australia

Private Health Insurance

Some Extras/Ancillary cover provides rebates for dietetics. Check with your individual insurer.

Just can't afford a private dietitian?

Consider referring yourself to dietetics in your local public health service. Public outpatient services are government funded and therefore low cost to the consumer (usually around $10 per appointment). For those of you in the Peninsula Health district, you can self-refer using this link.

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